In ancient times, our ancestors gazed in awe at the Sun, Moon, and stars and wondered how they came into existence.
They trembled with fear when lighting flashed and thunder crashed,when the Earth shook, and when winds roared. They welcomed life giving rains, and were fascinated by the towering mountains and by the restless oceans.
In trying to figure out an explanation for all these wondrous phenomena, they wove stories about them. These evolved into the myths, legends, and religions of the different civilizations and cultures of the ancient world, including the Ancient Greek, Egyptian,Roman, and Indian civilizations.What is really surprising though, is the remarkable similarity that these mythologies have with one another.


In ancient Egypt, Geb was worshipped as the Earth God. He was the provider of crops and a healer. The Ancient Egyptians believed that his laughter caused earthquakes!
Since he was God of the Earth, all life on the Earth and below it, was his domain. To show his powers for making life from the Earth, Geb is sometimes drawn with flowers coming out of his elbow. 
He was also responsible for the dead bodies beneath the Earth, and their tombs.So, Geb was also considered to be the God of Death
He was one of the gods that sat in a judgement when a dead person's heart was weighed on scales to determine his fate in afterlife. Geb was often depicted as a male figure with the head of a goose. 


More than 3,000 years ago in the land that was then called Mesopotamia, and is now known as Iraq and Kuwait, an ancient civilization known as the Sumerian civilization flourished. The Sumerians had many gods and goddesses, and one of them was Enlil. He was God of the lands and of the Earth. He was a very powerful god, who held the tablets of destiny.
These tablets gave him control over the fate of Man. Enlil himself is depicted as wearing a crown with horns. His temple, the 'mountain house' was located in the city of Nippur, the religious center of Mesopotamia.
According to Sumerian mythology, Enlil, who was considered to be the 'father of the gods', was banished to the world of the dead by the other gods, for certain wrongs that he committed.


Gaea is the Earth goddess in Greek mythology. Gaea was born from Chaos, the great void of emptiness within the Universe; She gave birth to Pontus the sea, and Uranus the sky.
Her offspring included the Titans, 6 sons and 6 daughters. Gaea was worshipped as the Universal mother, who not only created the Universe, but also created the first race of Gods and the first humans. Gaea is responsible for the star spangled sky,the magnificent mountains, the sweeping plains, the tumultuous seas and the winding rivers that make this Earth so beautiful. 
Gaea presided over marriages, and was honored as a prophetess.She was supreme, and the Greeks believed that an oath sworn by Gaea was the strongest, since no one could escape from the Earth. 
She was also worshipped under the epithet Anesidora, which means 'giver of gifts'.


The Maya was an ancient civilization that stretched throughout much of Central America. Their universe was composed of kab, or Earth which could be seen around them, kan, or the sky above, where the invisible gods lived and xibalba, or the watery underworld below where the invisible underworld gods dwelt.
They believed that the Earth itself was flat with 4 corners, each representing a different direction. Each direction also had a specific color - red for east, white for north, black for west, and yellow for south- but the center was green. 
Some Mayans believed that the sky was multi - layered, and was supported at the corners of the Earth by 4 gods of immense physical strength called Bacabs. Others believed it to be held up by 4 trees of different colors. The Earth itself, according to the Mayans, was the back of a giant crocodile that rested in a pool of water lilies. 


The Incas had one of the greatest civilizations of Ancient Peru. They worshipped the Sun God Inti, and the Earth Goddess Panchamama, as well as the Moon, thunder, lightning and rainbows. 
Their emperors were believed to be descendants of the Sun God, while the Earth Goddess Panchamama, whose name means 'World Mother, presided over planting and harvesting.
She was honored at harvest festivals, and also at all other festivals throughout the year. She lived beneath the mountains and when she quivered the Earth shook. Panchamama's sacred animals are the puma and the snake. 
The dragon is also sacred to her, in fact, she is herself viewed as a benevolent dragoness. She is the Great Creator of the Universe,and the Universe itself. Panchamama teaches us to care for her fertile world, and if we do so, she will be bountiful.


The Earth is revered to as a goddess in Hindu Mythology. Her name is Bhumi Devi, and she is the Divine mother Earth,who gives life, nourishes, and sustains. 
She is also the divine wife of Varaha, an avatar or incarnation of Lord Vishnu. In the story of their pairing, Bhumi Devi takes on the role of the Earth, while Varaha assumes the form of a boar. 
When Mother Earth is carried off by the demon Hiranyaksha, and submerged under the vast ocean by the demons, Varaha comes to her aid, diving deep into the great waters.
 At the bottom of the ocean, he kills the demon and carries Bhumi Devi on his snout, above the water once again. He then maps the Earth as it is known today, sculpting mountains and valleys, and dividing it into the continents.
Bhumi Devi plays a major role in Ramayana too, where she is worshipped as the mother of Sita, who was found by her father in a ploughed field. It is believed that, when Sita finally left her husband Rama, she returned to Bhumi Devi. 


Hindus also worship Mother Earth as the Goddess Prithvi. She represents the feminine, the creative, the cosmic energy of the Universe.
She makes our life possible, and sustains it. She represents fertility, and is the source of all plants and living things. Goddess Prithvi is never addressed alone. She is always linked to Dyaus who is the male deity associated with the sky. They are considered as the parents who have created the world. Thus Dyaus is often called the father, and Prithvi is known as the mother. 
Prithvi plays an important role in Buddhism too. She is depicted as protecting Gautama Buddha, and as being a witness to his enlightenment.
She is a national personification in Indonesia, where she is known as Ibu Pertiwi.


The Ancient Maori people of the New Zealand believed that Rangi and Papa were the sky father and the earth mother. They were locked together in a tight embrace. They had many children, who were forced to live in the cramped darkness between them.
The children longed to live in the light. Tumatauenga, the fiercest of the children, proposed that the best solution was to kill their parents. But his brother Tane disagreed. He suggested that it would be better to push them apart, to let Rangi be a stranger to them in the sky above, while Papa would remain below to nurture them.
After many attempts, Tane, god of forests and birds, forced his parents apart.The parents were heartbroken at being separated. 
Tawhirimatea the god of storms and winds, could not bear to hear the cries of his parents, nor see the tears of Rangi. He flew off to join Rangi, and his children include the winds. Papa, the Earth Goddess, continued to weep for her husband, and her tears are the rain.





The oceans were formed over vast periods of time.Billions of years ago, the Earth was incredibly hot, and covered with volcanoes.
Volcanoes spit out a lot of chemicals when they erupt, and they get those chemicals from deep inside the Earth. 
2 of those chemicals are hydrogen and oxygen.When those combine, they make water. The Earth also got water from comets. Many comets are actually made of ice, which becomes water when it melts! 
Over billions of years, erupting volcanoes and crashing comets caused water to form on Earth. But because the Earth was so hot, the water was in the form of water vapor.
As the Earth gradually cooled, the atmosphere also became cooler, and the water vapor began to condense to form clouds.As the cooling continued, the clouds turned to rain. This rain fell continuously - not for days, weeks, months or years, but for centuries!
The water that fell on the ground did not fly off the surface, because of the force of gravity. As a result, this water began to accumulate in the hollows of the Earth's surface, and the oceans were formed.


Our planet contains more water than land in fact, 71% of the Earth is covered by oceans. There are 5 oceans - the PACIFIC, ATLANTIC, INDIAN, ARCTIC, and SOUTHERN Oceans
The biggest of these is the Pacific Ocean, followed by the Atlantic Ocean. The Indian Ocean is between Asia and Africa, while the Arctic Ocean is in Arctic Circle, and the Southern Ocean is located around the South pole across the Antarctic circle. 
Actually, all the oceans run into one another to form one immense body of water, but scientists have divided them into different oceans and given them different names. Great ocean currents swirl around the Earth, some of them hundreds of kilometers long.
Winds cause the waves on the ocean's surface, while tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Moon. The oceans provide a home for thousands of plants and animals, and they also regulate the Earth's weather and temperature.


The Pacific is the biggest ocean on Earth, and covers more than 30 percent of the Earth's surface.
It is located between the Americas to the East and the Asian and Australian continents to the West. The Pacific is not only the biggest,but also the deepest ocean with the deepest trenches. The Challenger deep in the Marina Trench is the deepest point in the Pacific Ocean. It is 10,898 meters deep, and the lowest part of the Earth's crust.
The Pacific Ocean is home to 75% of the world's volcanoes. These volcanoes form a ring around the ocean basin and are known as 'The Ring of Fire'.
Most of the islands in the world are found in the Pacific Ocean. Some of these are islands made of coral, and are called atolls. In fact, the Pacific Ocean is famous for its coral reefs. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the largest reef in the world, stretching over more than 2,300 km.
A Spanish explorer named Balboa is believed to be the first European to discover the Pacific Ocean, on September 25th, 1513.


The Atlantic Ocean is the world's second largest ocean.
The Atlantic is the second youngest among all the 5 oceans, and was formed when the super continent Pangea broke up. 
The Atlantic Ocean covers approximately 1/5th of the surface of the Earth, and covers approximately 20% of the Earth's surface.
There is an underwater mountain in the range in the North Atlantic Ocean called the Mid Atlantic Ridge. It is twice as wide as the Andes Mountain range and runs approximately 16093 kilometers south from Iceland.
The Atlantic Ocean is home to the second largest barrier reef in the world, the Belize barrier reef. Its natural resources include oil, fish, sand and gravel, natural gas, and precious stones.
Creatures living in the Atlantic Ocean include the manatee, humpback whale, sea lion and the grey Atlantic seal, as well as various shark and fish species. 


The Indian Ocean is the world's third largest ocean. It covers 1/5th of the Earth's surface, connecting 18 Asian countries, 16 African countries, and 57 island groups.
The Kerguelen Plateau is a continent of volcanic origins that lies beneath of the surface of the Indian Ocean. The lowest part of this ocean is about 7,258 meters deep, lying on the Java Trench of the Sunda Shelf while its highest point is at the sea level.
The Indian Ocean is the warmest of the world's oceans, and is the source of approximately 40% of the world's oil.
The Indian Ocean is important for its ports that belong to different continents. Chennai, Mumbai, and Kolkata are the Indian ports of this ocean, while Colombo in Sri Lanka, and Durban in South Africa, Jakarta in Indonesia , and Melbourne in Australia are the other important ports of this ocean.


The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of all the oceans, and also the shallowest. It is connected to the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans through small gaps in the continents. It is a very cold ocean since it lies in the Arctic Circle.
Much of it is covered with a frozen ice cap. Three types of ice cover the Arctic Ocean including polar ice, fast ice, and pack ice. The ice located at the edge of the polar ice is called pack ice, which only freezes completely in the winter. Fast ice is the ice that forms during the winter around the pack ice, and on land around the Arctic Ocean . There is a wide variety of marine life living in the Arctic Ocean, including whales, fish , seals, and walruses. 


The Southern Ocean is sometimes called the Antarctic Ocean. It surrounds Antarctica, and is the fourth largest of the 5 ocean of the world. Some scientists believe that the waters of the Southern Ocean are extensions of the India, Pacific, and Atlantic Oceans. 
The deepest part of the Southern Ocean is the southern end of the South Sandwich Trench that is 7235 meters deep. 
During winter, half of the Southern Ocean is covered in icebergs. Some of the ice and icebergs break off and float in the waters of the Southern Ocean. The world's largest penguin species the emperor penguin lives on the ice of the Southern Ocean and on the Antarctic continent. 
It is believed that if the ice sheets in the Southern Ocean were to melt the oceans around the world would rise by as much as 65 meters!!




A Super continent is a continuous land mass made up of several continents. The Earth's outer shell is broken up into several plates called Tectonic plates.
Millions of years ago, the movement of these plates over the Earth's rocky shell or mantle, brought land masses into collision with each other.


The collision was so violent that mountains were formed as the existing continents smashed together to form one giant super continent. About 300 million years ago, during the time of the dinosaurs, Earth didn't have seven continents, but instead, one massive super continent called Pangea, which was surrounded by a single ocean called Panthalassa.
Later, Pangea started to break apart into two super continents. 
They were - GONDWANA and LAURASIA.
More mountains were formed, and parts of the continents that had been inland were now on the coast, and this changed the climate in many areas.


Gondwana was an ancient super continent that was formed when Pangea broke up. About 280 million to 230 million years ago, Pangea started to split.
Magma from below the Earth's crust began pushing upward, creating a fissure between what would become AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA, and NORTH AMERICA. 
As part of this process, Pangea cracked into a northernmost and southernmost super continent. The northern landmass came to be known as Lauraisa. The southern land mass headed southward after the split. The super continent was Gondwana. Gondwana stretched from the South pole to the Equator. 
However, the world was warmer then , and the climate was fairly mild. Gondwana had vast forests of temperate tress, with many dinosaurs, birds and reptiles running through the undergrowth.
Gondwana itself eventually split into the land masses we recognize today - AFRICA, SOUTH AMERICA , AUSTRALIA, ANTARCTICA, THE INDIAN SUBCONTINENT, and the ARABIAN PENINSULA.



Laurasia is the name given to the largely northern super continent that is thought to have formed after the split of the Pangean super continent. It included most of today's continents in the northern hemisphere.
In fact, Lauraisa comprised of what later became North America and Eurasia, except for India. The super continent was dominated by conifers as well as other seed plants and ferns. 
At first, Laurasia was largely located in equatorial latitudes. Later, it began to break up, with North China and Siberia drifting into latitudes further north.The name Laurasia is a combination of the names of Laurentia and Eurasia. 


Panthalassa was the name given to the vast ocean that surrounded Pangea when that super continent was in existence.
In fact, the word Panthalassa means 'all the seas' . Currents in the Panthalassa would have been simple and slow, and the Earth's climate was, in all likelihood, warmer than today.
When Pangea broke up into Gondwana and Lauraisa. the Tethys seaway was formed. This sea seperated Gondwana from Laurasia. It became the home of many unique marine reptiles, mostly coastal an shallow water dwellers.
The breakup of Pangea also created the different oceans as we know them today - the PACIFIC, ATLANTIC, ARCTIC, INDIAN OCEAN, and SOUTHERN OCEANS.


The term continental drift refers to a theory regarding the movements of continents that was first suggested by Abraham Ortelius in 1596.
However, it was developed into a proper theory only in 1912 by Alfred Wegener
According to this theory, the world was made up of a single continent millions and millions of years ago. That continent eventually separated and drifted apart, forming the seven continents that we have today. Wegener stated that the continents consist of lighter rocks that rest on the heavier material of the Earth's crust - similar to the manner in which icebergs float on water. 
He also believed that the relative positions of the continents are not rigidly fixed but are slowly moving - at a rate of about 1 yard per century. 
Today, the theory of continental drift has been replaced by the science of Plate Techtonics


Deep beneath the surface of the Earth, heat rises from the core, which is the center of the Earth, through the mantle, which is the next, and then it reaches the crust. It comes up slowly, but it actually moves the mantle.
The mantle rises beneath the Earth's crust before it spreads sideways, and then cools again. This slow, but constant movement of the mantle divides the Earth's crust into plates known as tectonic plates.
Most of the Earth is covered by 7 major plates and another eight or so minor plates. The seven major plates are the African, Antarctic, Eurasian, North American, South American, India - Australian, and the Pacific plates.
All this happens over millions of years, and it's called continental drift. The Earth only moves about 15 cm a year. The study of the movement of the plates on the Earth's crust is called plate tectonics.


 There is quite a lot of evidence to support the theory of continental drift. If you have noticed, the different continents are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that can be put together to give the picture of one huge land mass. Just look at the shapes of Africa, and South America on a map, and you can see this for yourself. 
Another point is that plant and animal fossils of the same age and similar species are found on the shores of different continents. This suggests that they were once joined. There is also living evidence, like the same unusual animals being found on different continents that are far apart. This provides further proof that Wegener was right in his theory !!!


Heat is a form of energy that is transferred between two substances at different temperatures.
  • The energy flow is from the substance of higher temperature to the substance of lower temperature.

                            Transference of heat   

Heat is transferred from one place to another in three ways:

  • Conduction - In this case, heat is transferred from one place to another, through a solid, by direct contact between molecules. Some substances are good conductors of heat such as Metal objects whereas some are bad conductors of heat such as wooden pieces.

  • Convection - It is the transference of heat in a fluid (gas or liquid) by the movement of molecules. If one corner of a bowl of water is heated, the water particles move about and the heat is distributed throughout the entire body of water.

  • Radiation - It is the transference of heat from one place to another through space, without the necessity of any intervening medium. Heat given off by the Sun travels through space and reaches the earth by the process of radiation. 


Insolation is the name given to all forms of energy received by the earth, from the Sun, by the process of radiation. Insolation includes light, heat, ultra-violet rays, infra red rays etc. 

Insolation comes in the form of energy of very short wave length.Energy of such short wave length has the property of passing through transparent media without heating the media. 


Click Here To Know About Clouds And Their Types



When air is cooled below its dew point temperature, the excess water vapor condenses into minute particles of water, which remain suspended in the air. Millions of such particles, close together, become visible as cloud.

The cooling of air below its dew point can be due to any of the 4 causes - 

  • contact with cold surface of land or sea
  • adiabatic cooling during ascent
  • contact with colder masses of air 
  • radiation of heat into space by upper layers of air
Clouds can form at any height from sea level up to the tropopause, which is about 8 km above the poles, about 13.5 km above temperate latitudes and about 16 km above the equator. 

They are hence grouped according to their height of base above sea level - 
  • low clouds - having their bases between sea level and 2 km height.
  • medium clouds - they have the prefix "alto" to their names and have bases between 2 km and 6 km above sea level.
  • high clouds - they have the prefix "cirro" to their names and have bases between 6 km above sea level and the tropopause(i.e. about 8 km above poles and 16 km above the equator)
These heights are average only. 
The tops of medium clouds and the bases of high clouds can overlap by as much as 3 km.

Clouds are of four main types, classified according to their appearance:
  • Cirrus - a silvery cloud in the form of feathers or fibres seen high up in a blue sky
  • Cumulus - a white cloud, shaped like a cauliflower, which can have great vertical extent
  • Stratus - an even layer of grey cloud, not giving rain
  • Nimbostratus - An even layer of grey cloud giving rain.

Grouping of Clouds according to height

Given below is a brief description of the 10 clouds listed above - 


1.Cirrus - Silvery, high clouds appearing like feathers or fibres. Being so high up, they always have a background of blue sky and, during twilight often appear bright red or yellow. 


2.Cirrostratus - A thin white veil of high cloud through which the Sun or Moon have a watery look. 


3.Cirrocumulus - A high layer of cloud in the form of small flakes or cauliflowers, white in colour with no dark shadows in between.


4. Altostratus - A thin greyish or bluish veil of cloud through which the sun or moon appears very dim - as if seen through frosted glass.

5. Altocumulus - Clouds in patch, layer or sheet form, white or grey or both in color. They have the appearance of small flattened globules or rolls or long bands or almonds, all of which may be in regular patterns aligned in one, or sometimes two, directions.


6.Stratus - A low even layer of dark grey cloud with light and dark patches.It has a dry look and does not cause precipitation. It can obscure the Sun completely and can greatly weaken daylight.

7. Nimbostratus - A low,even layer of dark-grey cloud generally uniform and threatening in appearance with no light coloured patches.It has a wet look and can also obscure the Sun completely like the Stratus clouds.

8. Stratocumulus - Clouds consisting of a layer or patches of globular masses which appear soft. The patches often join together and form an overcast sky, but is distinguishable from stratus by its wavy or linear appearance.


9. Cumulus - Brilliant white , thick clouds with flat bases and rounded cauliflower like tops.The outline of such cloud is very clear cut. Precipitation, if any, caused by even, well developed cumulus is light.


10. Cumulonimbus - Mass of grey, heavy cloud having its base in low cloud level, of great vertical extent, with its top well in high cloud level. It has a threatening appearance and is called a thundercloud. Cumulonimbus gives intermittent precipitation with rapidly fluctuating intensity.


Click Here To Know About The Super Continent On Earth!!!

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Warming up is essential prior any kind of workout.

Warming up - 

  •  Helps in pain free movements.
  •  Increases oxygen delivery to muscles which helps in preventing becoming breathless too   early during your run.
  •  Improves coordination and reaction time.
  •  Enhances performance.
  •  Prevents injury.
  •  Boosts your confidence. 
  • Avoids muscle strain.

A 2 min warm up routine is just enough for your 5k run. 
A dynamic warm up includes-  
  • Hops on the spot 
  • Chest expansions 
  • Arm circles 
  • Torso rotations 
  • Jumping jacks
  • Jumps 10x (any kind) 
  • Squats 5x

tips to keep in mind when running a 5k - 

Breathe - Inhale and exhale smoothly through your nose or mouth (the objective is to bring in the maximum amount of oxygen).Developing a rhythm to your breathing helps you so that you don't end up running out of breath too early.

Pace your race - An average 5k run can last anywhere from 20 - 40 minutes.I recommend you to split it like this: - Run/jog the first 3k slow and settle into a sustainable paceYou can either run at the same pace or increase it as you feel for the last 2k. Its easier and fun to pass people in the last couple hundred yards or so. 

Pre race meal  -   Avoid starting the race on a full stomach.Your last meal should be 2-3 hours before the start of the race.A good choice would be low volume food with high carbs combined with plenty of fluids. Oatmeal with fruit can be an effective choice.


     Also, motivational music can be of great help to a large number of runners. Hence, having such a playlist may prove to be a mood lifter and confidence booster!!!


      Good Luck!!!!  


Protein is a macro nutrient that is essential to building muscle mass. 
 Macro nutrients provide calories, or energy.

Some High Protein Foods Include - 

1. Eggs

Whole eggs are high in protein, but egg whites are almost pure protein. 
An average-sized egg contains up to 7 grams of protein. 

2. Almonds

Almonds are loaded with important nutrients, fibres and Vitamin E.

Daily consumption of almonds are known to reduce hunger and promote weight loss.

10 almonds may provide upto 25-30 grams of protein. 

3. Oats

Incredibly nutritious, oats are among the healthiest grains known.

Oats can help reduce blood pressure, aid in digestion and also lower your risk of heart disease

1 Cup of Oats(100 gms) can provide upto 15-20 gms of protein. . 

4. Peanuts

Peanuts are a convenient source of protein that come with the added bonus of antioxidants, magnesium, fibre and heart healthy fats(good fats).

Peanuts are known to help prevent cancer, diabetes and some respiratory diseases

However, peanuts should be consumed in moderation, not abundance

1 cup of peanuts(150 gms) can provide upto 30-40 gms of protein.

5. Chicken 

A healthy lean-meat form, with a high nutritional value.

It can help build strength, Strong bones, relieve stress, and boost immunity(chicken soup).

It is better to use cooking methods like boiling, grilling, roasting rather than frying as it may lead to some health problems. 

250 gms of Chicken can provide upto 50-70 gms of protein.

Good Luck !!!

Looking For Tips On Running Your First 5K - Click Here



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